There you go again, consistently empowering us to trust our inherent intelligence and self-awareness as the path. You start conversations and give us the confidence to have it with ourselves. My working theory is that this is your superpower, but I'm not putting you up on a pedestal, because I know something about this myself and just highly appreciate anyone doing it well. I have a friend who is a clinical psychologist and psychological researcher who has always told me that accepted and elevated psychological theories always start out as the simple recorded observations of someone who is paying attention to how humans work from their own experience and doing some testing to verify its truth.

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Your friend's point certainly hits home. There's no reason why we couldn't all be doing just that. And about my superpower, I guess it takes one to know one.

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Love that you are taking down idols from their pedestals and instead reminding us that we are the best teachers for ourselves. I've really been loving the conversation starters, Rik. They also make me think a lot (which, I guess is starting a conversation with myself).

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Thank you Rebecca. I'm so happy that you're enjoying these and I appreciate you taking the time to mention it and comment. Makes all the difference :)

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Brilliant piece, Rik. This is a great CTA / wake-up call. I often fall in the trap of admiring my heroes to the extent where I think they are gods who perform things outside of my reach. Important to remember that they are also just humans who have found their own theory and become good at one or two specific skills. Like this quote by Tim Ferriss that goes along this point (might have shared it before here): “Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact, and that is that everything around you that you call 'life' was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."

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Love the quote John. And I happen to know that you're embodying it. 'Building things that other people can use' sounds a lot like what you're putting out these days :)

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Bruce Lee, his pedestals and your health are saying to me is that we should have the scientific rigour to test out the theories out there and use a good dose of intuition when we come to incorporate them into our own.

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Yes, intuition + science sounds like a good starting point. I'm guessing Bruce was all about this too.

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