...nothing better than that first bike ride w/o the training wheels...when i learned to snowboard my brother only taught me one thing...how to fall...his thinking being that you will fall a lot no matter how good you are, and that if you can fail/fall all the way down a hill there is no where else to go then (but up that hill and back down, hopefully not falling next time)...he then took me down a double black diamond in a blizzard and I cursed him as I pondered death while falling the entire way down...but the lesson worked...the next day when i went out i was able to make my way around a mountain w/o him there...now granted i stayed to boarding with babies and toddlers on the green hills, but i was free...

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I had a spiritual teacher who used to ask me to give talks to his own students, but he was always in the room, and his quiet stable presence was an enormous support to me energetically. I became a professional speaker, but have never dared to speak directly about spiritual practice or matters. I just realized reading this post that in a way I never really graduated into driving the car by myself. I just switched to a different vehicle I am more comfortable steering. Very interesting. Thank you Rik.

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