I loved this Rik: “If a subject is over your head, it’s not you. You just haven’t found the right person to explain it to you yet.”

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Thank you James, I mention it so explicitly because in my estimation the general vibe in society is often the opposite. Always appreciate your comments.

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Hey Rik, There's a both/and quality in conversation that is endlessly fascinating to me. As Rick Lewis is saying, there's a two-way signal; I would add that it appears to spiral in both directions. My thumbnail for this phenomenon is that the quality of speaking invites the quality of listening invites the quality of speaking, invites the quality of listening, ad infinitum. At any point in the spiraling, a deepening in one quality invites the other to deepen. Sitting with a client in therapy, if I notice my mind wandering, I listen more closely, to what my client is saying (and expressing) in the moment, and I'm better able to differentiate familiar pattern from emergent creative adaptation, to which I can respond. When I find myself asking a question or making a comment that surprises me (free association invites free association...) I listen more closely to my inner experience to discern what's emergent, creative, the juice of the moment. Most often, the felt sense of it is non-verbal, a gentle joyful humming in my chest and belly. With some clients, this phenomenon of deepening, widening, shared presence and understanding can be observed and appreciated directly, mutually. Right now I'm feeling it as I wander among your essays and the comments of our fellow writers... This is the current I want to ride. Thank you!

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...speaking to my life's goal Rik...to find the someone's who speak my language...i'm guessing this is why i am being followed aaround by a gang of local possums...i can talk possum with anyone...

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We'll probably never find a perfect match, but who knows, there might be someone more possum-like out there.

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It strikes me how this is a two-way signal. Finding the people that speak to us is made easier when we're expressing our authentic voice in the world. It makes us more visible to the right teachers. I've often found that by sharing my personal language more openly I get introduced to a resonant teacher by a friend or another person who has heard us both and can sense the fit. That's exactly what happened, come to think of it, with you sending me the link to the Socratic academy for my son. Huh. hadn't put that together.

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Yes I agree and have had the same experience. I’ve spent quite a few years in fear of expressing myself authentically, thus not attracting anyone (friends, teachers, friendly folk) that I needed or fit me. Simply because I was never who I really was. A lot of coaching clients now come to me this way, being introduced by someone knowing us both. And nice one tying in the Socratic experience there ;)

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